2008年11月17日 星期一



W先生說:苗栗公館鄉產紅棗,這可是全台灣唯一產紅棗的地方。公館這一帶有沙質礫土,排水性佳,換句話說,水稻是種不成的。紅棗不喜歡潮濕的土壤,這裏的土壤正合適生長。紅棗樹會從根部分枝長出小苗。不過,未待長成先要當作雜草鏟除,必竟土地有限,小樹苗反而會分散了土壤的養分。 而且,紅棗樹多刺,樹欉太密,採收更加不容易。



2008年11月11日 星期二

45E to 130E

Early morning in Austin, painful headache almost made me miss the flight.

Sleepless in Residence Inns Marriot, I got to go downstairs to buy pills. "Excuse me, which one is better for headache relief?", "Well, do you have serious #$%#%&$^* ...!!!" "No." "Then, Advil will fit for you." "Charge on my bill please." Two tablets are in traveler's pack with a long long descriptions. It's really hard to read it while having a mal-functional brain. I took one pill with the mineral water. It takes only 3 sececons...

I start trowing up. In fact, it did make me feel better, but in an unexpected way. Morning call is on 5:30 to catch 8:25 flight. "Just take a nap." I siad to myself. So, that's why I woke up at 7:10am. I Rushed downstairs to check out the room. "How much time it will take to the airport?" "About 45 mins." "There is a fast route, it's toll way though."

Grabbing a map, I jumped into the golden Mazda, stepped on the pedal.

90 miles from 45E to 130E, hoping there won't be any cops around. All the way running engines with classicals on radio, I arrived at 7:47. There is a long waiting line. A friendly black buddy came by to help. "May I get to the front of the line. I might miss the flight..." "No, they probably have waited for a long time as well." "Let me check it out for you." A while, the overtaned sunshining boy came back saying "You flight is delayed for an hour." "Yeah!" what a release, never felt that way when a flight is delayed.

So, in Admirals Club lounge, a message was written. Yes, I am going back home. I am already home.

ps. 又是左前額葉


認知的品質(Perceived Quality)是對於細節的講究,讓"設計"增進認知的品質。老實說,東西並不見得有多大的差異,但就認知上,或是更簡單的說:"這樣感覺好多了。"




